This sleeping woman wrapped up in the bear sings to me about the endless possibilities of dreams

My recent dreams…
- Connecting to the Divine through the Archetypes The Animus comes to some of us in our dreams as the avatar of Divine love. In this dream below I can feel how the intensity of the Animus’ love will set me free from the need to worry or to find comfort in the world. I use my discomfort of being imprisoned by the Animus- ...
- Elf Joy Boy Here, the boy comes to me, a live elf-boy who holds the potency of life, the libido, the immediacy, and the joy of just being alive. I really had not known joy until…
My early dreams include…

- Face to Face with the Blue Bull I began this work as someone who avoided her fear and considered herself brave. In my dreams I ran from wild animals, prehistoric animals, domestic animals, angry men, just about anything unusual that approached me. I avoided my fear because I did not want to feel the deeper feellings under this fear. In this dream ...
- Rape of My Girl Even though my girl was hard on me in this dream, she comes this way to teach me that I have spent most of my life not wanting to be open, vulnerable, and aware of her. She came as an angry girl for me to get this message strong and clear, given the fact that ...