Dreamwork therapy information and services. Dream and dream intepretation
My dream artwork throughout ten years of therapy.
I dreamt recently that I was a young boy on a spaceship with the Animus and we traveled to the edge of the universe. When we landed on a strange new planet, I was both a young boy and a young girl . We were scared but excited to start a new life in this unknown dimension with the Man as our guide.
I am lying dead, in a desolate grey world. I feel a fern sprouting out from my heart space on my back. Suddenly, the dream is in vivid color and I know whatever died in me is allowing something alive and vibrant to take its place.
Dying to self, the vulnerable girl emerges from the corpse of the Renaissance woman, bringing her to the love and solar connection with the Divine.
The notion that we are not alone, that we can be inrelationship with others while being true to our own desires, is brought to us repeatedly in our dreams. The connection to the underworld keeps us grounded in ourselves and not in worldy matters.
As I began to feel my deep wound, often represented by blood in my dreams, my heart opened to this pain and grief of many lifetimes. I take this grief and pain and turn to the Animus. I need his help and to move through this.
I am dangling by a rope, held by the Animus. He is showing me violent deaths my soul has known. I am suspended over the horrors of life on earth, and held by Him from above, knowing that both of these places dwell in me.
I am being gutted from head to toe by the Animus while lying among huge eggs. Lush tropical plants and shrubs are sprouting from my body as he cuts me and I feel everything- fear, pain, grief, and joy.
I have become a molecule in a stream, dissolving into nothingness. I tumble over the waterfall and enter a chasm in the depths. It is full of light and I melt into the yellow sun at its center deep in the water.
I m sleeping naked on the bed. The Animus comes to me stealthily and takes me from behind. I am terrified and aroused at the same time. I don’t know how I feel. I have never surrendered in this way ever before.
Dream about riding a whale, breathing underwater, feeling the sensuality and joy of this magnificant creature